Tag Archives: food blogger recovery

What they don’t tell food bloggers before getting their tonsils out – Part 3

So, it’s been about a month since my tonsils and I parted ways. Days 9 through 14 were pretty much the same – the (really, really gross) scabs started “healing” around Day 10/11 and it was all I could do to just keep swallowing so I would never, ever, ever know what they looked or felt like. It took about a week for my tongue to stop being so sore. Do you know how often your tongue clears food away from corners of your mouth? Well, now I do and it’s pretty often.

I managed to treat my throat and scabs very gently, my doctor having put the fear of bleeding into me. Basically, if you start to bleed and it doesn’t stop, they have to cauterize it and your recovery starts all over. No one wants to do that. If I was eating something I thought was soft enough and felt it pulling on a scab as I swallowed, I pretty much stopped eating and went back to drinking my meals. Maybe I was paranoid, but I really wasn’t willing to risk it. Continue reading

What they don’t tell food bloggers before getting their tonsils out – Part 1

There are a lot of helpful posts on the Internet from people (adults) who have gotten their tonsils out, to give you an idea of what recovery is like and reassure you that you are not, in fact, a giant wuss who can’t handle a little pain. While these posts were useful in giving me a range of what I might or might not expect, the whole “what can you eat/not eat” has been way off. And so, because this is exactly why people have blogs, I’m going to tell you how this whole tonsillectomy recovery thing is going for me. Continue reading